Philipp KOCH and Katharina KANDEL
Husband Philipp KOCH
Born: 18 Mar 1883 - Neudorf Died: Buried: User ID: 54275
Father: Georg KOCH Mother: Magdalena ADAM
Marriage: 6 Jun 1906 - Mikulsdorf
Wife Katharina KANDEL
Born: 18 Sep 1888 - Neudorf Died: Buried: User ID: 54448
Father: Ludwig KANDEL Mother: Luise SCHEIER
1 M Georg KOCH
Born: 28 Oct - Neudorf Died: Buried:
2 F Karoline KOCH
Born: 28 Oct 1911 - Neudorf Died: Buried:Spouse: Philipp KOCH {UsrID: 160782} Marr: 3 May 1931 - Neudorf
3 F Maria Wilhelmine KOCH
Born: 15 Mar 1917 - Seibersdorf Died: Buried:Spouse: Bernhard KARGUT {UsrID: 156156} Marr: 1939 - Neudorf
General Notes: Wife - Katharina KANDEL
Kandel, Ludwig: Ludwig had only one wife, Julia SCHÄFER and he did not have a middle name of Hermann. The other Ludwig Kandel in the GGD database, married to Luise SCHEIER, may or may not be the same person, but their daughter, Katharina Kandel, EWZ# 54448 is really the daughter of Ludwig Kandel and Julia SCHÄFER.
Ludwig an Juliane had 10 children, only 4 of which are in our database.
Andreas Kandel oo Katharina Huth, emig. to Winnipeg Kanada, 5 children: Heinrich, Karl John, Caroline Juliane, Georg, Cecilia Louise Heinrich Kandel oo Katharina Rech (younger sister of the galician home poet Friedrich Rech). Heinrich took the farmhouse of his parents in Neudorf. They had 4 children: Friedrich Ludwig, Wilhelm Gustav, Leopold Heinrich and Magdalene Elisabeth Katharina Kandel oo Phillip Koch, 3 children: Georg, Karoline and Maria Wilhelmine Karoline Kandel  (emigr. with 17 years together with her 18 year old cousin Julia Kandel to Amerika, died there young) Mathilde Kandel oo Gustav Weber, 3 children: Philipp, Juliane and Elfriede. Mathilde died in 1928 at tuberculosis and Gustav married her younger sister Juliane Rudolf Weber - Died shortly after birth Margarete Kandel (my grandma) oo Martin Weber Jr. Had two sons, Rudolf and Otto (Otto is my father) Wilhelmine Kandel oo Michael Bechtloff. They had two sons: Gustav and Edmund. Wilhelmine died in her thirties of appendicitis. Juliane Kandel oo Gustav Weber (the man of her sister Mathilde) they had 3 children: Hedwig, Ottilie and Adolf. Elisabeth Kandel oo Friedrich Herrmann, who was carried off and missed at 15.3.1945, they had 4 children: Ottilie, Hertha (died as very little child in 1943 at meningitis), Alfred and Horst. Submitted March 2017 by Gabriele R. Weber, great grandaughter, from Alfter, Germany,
Ludwig KANDEL and Luise SCHEIER
Husband Ludwig KANDEL
Born: - Neudorf Died: - Neudorf Buried:Marriage:
Wife Luise SCHEIER
Born: - Kolomea Died: - Neudorf Buried:
1 F Katharina KANDEL
Born: 18 Sep 1888 - Neudorf Died: Buried: User ID: 54448Spouse: Philipp KOCH {UsrID: 54275} Marr: 6 Jun 1906 - Mikulsdorf
General Notes: Husband - Ludwig KANDEL
Some descendants believe this is the same person we have listed as Ludwig Hermann KANDEL who married Julia SCHÄFER and not Luise SCHEIER.
General Notes: Wife - Luise SCHEIER
See corrections file. This may be Julia SCHÄFER.
Ludwig Hermann KANDEL and Julia SCHÄFER
Husband Ludwig Hermann KANDEL
Born: 1857 - Neudorf Died: - Neudorf Buried:Marriage:
Wife Julia SCHÄFER
Born: 1866 - Kolomea Died: - Neudorf Buried:
1 M Heinrich KANDEL
Born: 9 Nov 1886 - Neudorf, Tlumatsch Died: Buried: User ID: 158007Spouse: Katharine RECH Marr: 1921 - Solowino
2 F Margarethe KANDEL
Born: 27 Dec 1896 - Neudorf Died: Buried:Spouse: Martin WEBER {UsrID: 52892} Marr: 17 Feb 1920 - Bredtheim
3 F Julie KANDEL
Born: 31 Dec 1902 - Neudorf, Tlumacz Died: Buried: User ID: 153734Spouse: Gustav WEBER {UsrID: 153735} Marr: 21 Oct 1928 - Neudorf
4 F Elisabeth KANDEL
Born: 5 Feb 1905 - Neudorf Died: Buried: User ID: 53498Spouse: Friedrich HERMANN {UsrID: 153383} Marr: 18 Aug 1929 - Neudorf
General Notes: Husband - Ludwig Hermann KANDEL
The gist of the correction comment below is that another child may be Katherina Kandel, EWZ# 54448.
Kandel, Ludwig: Ludwig had only one wife, Julia SCHÄFER and he did not have a middle name of Hermann. The other Ludwig Kandel in the GGD database, married to Luise SCHEIER, may or may not be the same person, but their daughter, Katharina Kandel, EWZ# 54448 is really the daughter of Ludwig Kandel and Julia SCHÄFER.
Ludwig an Juliane had 10 children, only 4 of which are in our database.
Andreas Kandel oo Katharina Huth, emig. to Winnipeg Kanada, 5 children: Heinrich, Karl John, Caroline Juliane, Georg, Cecilia Louise Heinrich Kandel oo Katharina Rech (younger sister of the galician home poet Friedrich Rech). Heinrich took the farmhouse of his parents in Neudorf. They had 4 children: Friedrich Ludwig, Wilhelm Gustav, Leopold Heinrich and Magdalene Elisabeth Katharina Kandel oo Phillip Koch, 3 children: Georg, Karoline and Maria Wilhelmine Karoline Kandel  (emigr. with 17 years together with her 18 year old cousin Julia Kandel to Amerika, died there young) Mathilde Kandel oo Gustav Weber, 3 children: Philipp, Juliane and Elfriede. Mathilde died in 1928 at tuberculosis and Gustav married her younger sister Juliane Rudolf Weber - Died shortly after birth Margarete Kandel (my grandma) oo Martin Weber Jr. Had two sons, Rudolf and Otto (Otto is my father) Wilhelmine Kandel oo Michael Bechtloff. They had two sons: Gustav and Edmund. Wilhelmine died in her thirties of appendicitis. Juliane Kandel oo Gustav Weber (the man of her sister Mathilde) they had 3 children: Hedwig, Ottilie and Adolf. Elisabeth Kandel oo Friedrich Herrmann, who was carried off and missed at 15.3.1945, they had 4 children: Ottilie, Hertha (died as very little child in 1943 at meningitis), Alfred and Horst. Submitted March 2017 by Gabriele R. Weber, great grandaughter, from Alfter, Germany,
Martin WEBER and Margarethe KANDEL
Husband Martin WEBER
Born: 19 Nov 1884 - Augustdorf Died: Buried: User ID: 52892
Father: Martin WEBER Mother: Katharina SCHLAMP
Marriage: 17 Feb 1920 - Bredtheim
Wife Margarethe KANDEL
Born: 27 Dec 1896 - Neudorf Died: Buried:
Father: Ludwig Hermann KANDEL Mother: Julia SCHÄFER
1 M Rudolf WEBER
Born: 12 Jan 1921 - Augustdorf Died: Buried:
2 M Otto WEBER
Born: 25 May 1925 - Augustdorf Died: Buried:
Philipp KANDEL and Rosalie MATHEIS
Husband Philipp KANDEL
Born: Died: - Horocholina Buried:Marriage:
Wife Rosalie MATHEIS
Born: Died: - Brigidau Buried:
1 F Sophie KANDEL
Born: 13 Sep 1869 - Horocholina Died: Buried: User ID: 169108Spouse: Karl DECH
Philipp KANDEL and Rosalie SCHWARZ
Husband Philipp KANDEL
Born: 5 Apr 1839 - Horocholina Died: - Horocholina Buried:Marriage:
Wife Rosalie SCHWARZ
Born: 29 Nov 1843 - Stanislau Died: - Brigidau Buried:
1 F Rosalie KANDEL
Born: 4 May 1876 - Horocholina Died: Buried:Spouse: Wilhelm DECH {UsrID: 169150} Marr: 1897 - Uckersthal
2 M Ludwig KANDEL
Born: 19 Oct 1877 - Horocholina Died: Buried: User ID: 169059Spouse: Elisabeth DIETZ Marr: 1902 - Stanislau
3 F Karoline KANDEL
Born: 22 Apr 1884 - Horocholina Died: Buried: User ID: 70280Spouse: Konrad BIEBER {UsrID: 154929} Marr: 1904 - Horocholina
Christian WESA and Rosalie KANDEL
Husband Christian WESA
Born: 29 Jun 1902 - Kniazulka Died: Buried: User ID: 57919
Father: Adam WESA Mother: Katharina SCHNEIDER
Marriage: 28 Jan 1938 - Horocholina
Wife Rosalie KANDEL
Born: 11 Mar 1888 - Horocholina Died: Buried:
Father: Andreas KANDEL Mother: Marie WERSTLER
Other Spouse: BURGHARD
Johann SANDER and Rosalie KANDEL
Husband Johann SANDER
Born: 16 Feb 1904 - Sitauerowka Died: Buried: User ID: 150317
Father: Johann SANDER Mother: Katharina KULLMANN
Marriage: 19 May 1929 - Horocholina
Wife Rosalie KANDEL
Born: 26 Nov 1907 - Horocholina Died: Buried:
Father: Ludwig KANDEL {UsrID: 169059} Mother: Elisabeth DIETZ
1 M Wilhelm SANDER
Born: Died: Buried:
2 F Marta SANDER
Born: Died: Buried:
Johann Peter ÜBEL and Wilhelmine KANDEL
Husband Johann Peter ÜBEL
Born: 5 Feb 1861 - Königsberg Died: - Bredtheim, Kolomea Buried:Marriage:
Wife Wilhelmine KANDEL
Born: 21 Dec 1863 - Neudorf, Drohobycz Died: Buried: User ID: 53367
Father: Konrad KANDEL Mother: Katharine JETTE
1 M Konrad ÜBEL
Born: 29 Jun 1886 - Bredtheim Died: Buried: User ID: 160682Spouse: Katharine GÖRES {UsrID: 53339} Marr: Oct 1920 - Bredtheim
2 F Elisabeth ÜBEL
Born: 14 Oct 1888 - Bredtheim Died: Buried:Spouse: Adolf STALLMANN Marr: 16 Jun 1907 - Bredtheim, Kolomea
3 M Peter ÜBEL
Born: 10 Mar 1892 - Bredtheim, Kolomea Died: Buried: User ID: 147395Spouse: Elisabeth MÜLLER {UsrID: 53330} Marr: 17 Jun 1916 - Kolomea
4 M Ludwig ÜBEL
Born: 1894 - Bredtheim, Kolomea Died: Buried:Spouse: Emma GÖRES {UsrID: 107529} Marr: 2 Jun 1935 - Landestreu
5 F Karoline ÜBEL
Born: 1896 Died: Buried:
6 M Johann ÜBEL
Born: 28 Jan 1900 - Bredtheim, Kolomea Died: Buried: User ID: 147397Spouse: Marie WEBER {UsrID: 55453} Marr: 2 Feb 1929 - Sitaurowka, Tlumacz
7 M Jakob ÜBEL
Born: 19 Mar 1906 - Bredtheim Died: Buried: User ID: 160683Spouse: Karoline BOLLENBACH {UsrID: 54437} Marr: 30 Jun 1935 - Bredtheim, Kolomea
Friedrich KANIKOWSKI and Natalie REINHARDT
Husband Friedrich KANIKOWSKI
Born: 1867 - Uzowa Died: - Uzowa Buried:Marriage:
Wife Natalie REINHARDT
Born: 1893 - Karlinowka Died: Buried:
Born: 7 Nov 1912 - Uzowa Died: Buried:Spouse: Barthold RUPPEL {UsrID: 148993} Marr: 20 Jan 1931 - Rezyszcze
Barthold RUPPEL and Hedwig KANIKOWSKI
Husband Barthold RUPPEL
Born: 2 Oct 1904 - Gliniszcze Died: Buried: User ID: 148993
Father: Gottlieb RUPPEL Mother: Katharine FINDLING
Marriage: 20 Jan 1931 - Rezyszcze
Born: 7 Nov 1912 - Uzowa Died: Buried:
Father: Friedrich KANIKOWSKI Mother: Natalie REINHARDT
1 M Helmut RUPPEL
Born: 17 Nov 1936 - Gliniszcze Died: Buried:
Born: Died: Buried:Marriage: 1906 - Lemberg
Wife Elisabeth TIEFENBACH
Born: 17 Aug 1873 - Josefow Died: Buried: User ID: 13514
Father: Valentin TIEFENBACH Mother: Katharina GREIS
Husband Gustav KLANN
Born: Died: - Alexandrow Buried:Marriage:
Born: Died: - Alexandrow Buried:
1 F Olga KLANN
Born: 2 Nov 1919 - Alexandrow Died: Buried:Spouse: Emil BETKE {UsrID: 174862} Marr: 1 Jun 1938 - Radzimin
Heinrich RODE and Luise KANNENBERG
Husband Heinrich RODE
Born: 1850 - Wladislawow Died: - Wola Korybutowa Buried:Marriage:
Born: Died: - Wola Korybutowa Buried:
1 F Emilie RODE
Born: 23 Nov 1884 - Wola Korybutowa Died: Buried:Spouse: Gustav GESELL {UsrID: 183464} Marr: 10 Feb 1907 - Lublin
Wilhelm PUDWEL and Wanda KANNER
Husband Wilhelm PUDWEL
Born: 22 Dec 1898 - Pomikow Died: Buried: User ID: 186396
Father: Mother: Karoline PUDWEL
Marriage: 1922 - Lublin
Wife Wanda KANNER
Born: 20 Jan 1906 - Sewerynowka Died: Buried:
Father: Wilhelm KANNER Mother: Emilie JÄCKEL
1 F Marta PUDWEL
Born: 23 Jul 1923 - Sewerynowka Died: Buried:
2 F Sofie PUDWEL
Born: 6 Jan 1925 - Sewerynowka Died: Buried:
Born: 8 Feb 1930 - Sewerynowka Died: Buried:
4 F Leokadia PUDWEL
Born: 12 Dec 1932 - Sewerynowka Died: Buried:
5 M Theodor PUDWEL
Born: 12 Jan 1936 - Sewerynowka Died: Buried:
6 M Adolf PUDWEL
Born: 30 Oct 1939 - Stefanow Died: Buried:
Husband Andreas KRÜGER
Born: 28 Nov 1870 - Alt Rokin Died: - Eitkun Buried:Marriage:
Born: 21 Dec 1879 - Alt Rokin Died: Buried:
1 F Amalie KRÜGER
Born: 30 Dec 1903 - Alt Rokin Died: Buried:Spouse: Johann REINHARD {UsrID: 148965} Marr: 22 Feb 1927 - Reczyszcze
Alexander ROTHAUG and Johanna KANO
Husband Alexander ROTHAUG
Born: Died: Buried:Marriage: 21 Feb 1935 - Cycow
Wife Johanna KANO
Born: 10 Mar 1915 - Barki Died: Buried: User ID: 204778
Father: Gottlieb KANO Mother: Pauline DÖRING
1 M Gerhard ROTHAUG
Born: 2 Sep 1936 - Malinowka Died: Buried:
Wilhelm KANT and Eva NUMERICH
Husband Wilhelm KANT
Born: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Born: - Gottes Died: Buried:
1 F Emilie KANT
Born: 11 Dec 1914 - Neuhausen Died: Buried: User ID: 33591Spouse: BURGER Marr: 18 Apr 1934 - Anielowka
General Notes: Husband - Wilhelm KANT
Father of Emilie KANT BURGER; husband of Eva NUMERICH
General Notes: Wife - Eva NUMERICH
Wife of Wilhelm KANT; mother of Emilie (KANT)BURGER
Wilhelm KANT and Eva NUMRICH
Husband Wilhelm KANT
Born: - Wolhynien Died: - Latvia Buried:Marriage:
Born: Died: - Wolhynien Buried:
1 F Emilie KANT
Born: 11 Dec 1914 - Punen, Latvia Died: Buried:Spouse: Adolf BÜRGER {UsrID: 19058} Marr: 18 Apr 1934 - Anielowka
2 M Imanuel KANT
Born: 28 Sep 1917 - Schrunden Bitreich, Latvia Died: Buried: User ID: 124714
Gottfried MERK and Mathilde KANTEL
Husband Gottfried MERK
Born: - Dolina Died: - Dolina Buried:Marriage:
Wife Mathilde KANTEL
Born: - Landestreu Died: - Stanislau Buried:
1 M Georg MERK
Born: 1 May 1889 - Dolina Died: Buried: User ID: 151866Spouse: Katharine WALTERSpouse: Karoline BREITWIESER Marr: 26 Oct 1930 - Josephsberg, Drohobycz
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