Parish Record Photographs

The Galizien German Descendants group is pleased to announce the availability of many church records from parishes covered by the Krakow archives. These church record images are on the GGD Members-Only portion of our web site. These images generally cover births, marriages and deaths from part of the time period between 1850 and 1918 collected by researchers in Poland.  The images were then categorized by volunteers Dave Gorz and made web-ready by John Kaminski. As our time and GGD funds allow, we will continue to use our membership fees for further research.

Stadlo, 1849-1918

So if your research has led you to the Lutheran parish of Stadlo, study the section below. Villages found in the Stadlo records include Alt Sandez, Barcice, Biczyce, Gabon, Golkowice, Jazowsko, Juraszowa, Mokra Weis, Mostki, Naszacowice, Neudörfel, Niskowa, Olszanka, Poczekai, Podegrodzie, Podrzeczce, Popowice, Rytro, Skrudzina, Stadlo, Swidnik, Swierkla, Swiniarsko and Zakopane.
The records for the years 1838-1850 were filmed by the Family History Library, digitized and are found online at "film" DGS 100295696. These images of the Births, marriages, deaths for 1838-1850 can be viewed at your home computer. Also available on AGAD as item 21. 
The records for the years 1849-1918 were recorded for our members as described above and can be viewed at the links at the bottom of this page.
The records for the years 1919 - 1938 were filmed by the FHL in Warsaw and are found on microfilm #2379997. They have been digitized but are not viewable due to contractual restrictions. They have also been digitized by the Polish Archives and the marriages and deaths are available as item #178 on their web site. The births will be added as EU privacy laws allow. However, thanks to the work of two of our members, we have a 37 page searchable index of the B, M & D records available on that microfilm. Members can view this index at Stadlo_index_1919-1938 .  One of those members also indexed all the birth records between 1919 and 1938 - they are available at Stadlo_birth index 1919-1938   If you find an ancestor in the index, contact either member G028 or member B139 who may be able to provide further details. Similarly, a supporter, Włodek Waląg, has created a detailed searchable index of marriages between 1919 and 1938 available on AGAD. It is available for members only HERE lock icon.  It should also be mentioned that the St Martins parish in Krakow/Krakau also held records from Borek Falecki, Chrzanow, Ciezkowice, Czarna Wies, Debniki, Dembica / Debica, Krakau, Krowodrza, Krzyszkowice, Lednica Niemiecka (Deutsch-Lednica), Libiaz Wielki, Plaszow, Podgorze, Pradnik Czerwony, Ropczyce, Sanka, Szczakowa, Trzebinia, Wieliczka, Wola Justowska, Wolica / Wolika, Zabierzow, Zastow, and Zwierzyniec.  Since neighbouring parishes were Neu Gawlów, Biala, Stadlo, and Neu Sandez, some villages closer to Krakau might have had registrations there.  The records can be found on the Polish archives detailed in the Szukajwarchiwach section of our archives page
As of December 2024, many of the records from 1841 to 1895 are available at the Polish Genealogical Society (PTK) at  See the instructions under Neu Gawlów below.

Neu Sandez 1849-1937

Similarly, if your research has led you to the Lutheran parish of Neu Sandez, its records include Biala bei Grybow (Biala Ninza), Biczyce (Ger: Deutsch-Bitschitz), Biegonice, Bobkow, Chelmiec, Chrzastowka bei Jaslo, Cieniawa, Dabrowka, Dombrowka, Drzykowa, Falkowa, Golabkowice, Grodzkie, Hutweide (Pol: Gaj), Jamnica, Kunow, Laufendorf (Pol: Biegonice), Mystkow, Nawojowa, Nawojowka, Neu Sandez, Staraweis, Strzeszyce (Ger: Wachendorf), Wieloglowy, Wielopole, Zakopane, Zalubincze, Zawada, and Zbikowice.

Only deaths and marriages go as far as 1937.  Thanks to Włodzimierz Waląg, a typed list of deaths and marriages to match the images of the church records after 1918 are available here:  Deaths    Marriages.  There are many transcription errors since Włodzimierz is not fluent in German.
The Family History Library has digitized Film 905270 Item 5 and images of the following records are available for viewing at Family History Centers:
Taufen, Trauungen, Tote 1838-1850. 
Scans of births, marriages and deaths from 1838–1844 can be viewed at home at AGAD as item 19 of group 427. Click here  For 1845-1850 see item 20. Click here. Item 91 has deaths for 1920 only.
As of December 2024, many of the records from 1849 to 1895 are available at the Polish Genealogical Society (PTK) at  See the instructions under Neu Gawlów below.

Königsberg 1849-1918

Similarly, if your research has led you to the parish of Königsberg Gillershof, or Baranowka (the parish center and the two main filialsof the Reformed Evangelical -Helvetica Confession faith), those records include Baranowka, Brzoza Stadnicka, Brzyska Wola, Gillershof, Hucisko, Kamien, Königsberg, Kurylowka, Lezajsk, Lukowa, Neu Dornbach, Ranischau, Reichsheim, Ruda, Siedlanka, Staremiasto, and Steinau. Note that the Königsberg records are often intermingled with those of Gillershof or Baranowka, so be sure to look through the all the files in the date range you are researching. Also, some of the years are not in order (especially the births) due to the way the books were filed in the archives. Thus look for your year of interest throughout the directory.
The Family History Library has digitized Film 905269 Item 6 and images of the following records are available for viewing at Family History Centers:
Geburten, Heiraten, Tote 1838-1851, 1858.  

Ranischau 1849-1918

Similarly, if your research has led you to the parish of Ranischau, its records include Cholewiana Gora, Glogow, Grebow, Kamien, Kolbuszowa, Krawce, Mazury, Nisko, Nowosielec, Poreba Ranischau, Przedzel, Pysznica, Ranischau, Ranizow, Rzeszow, Steinau, Sulichow, Windenthal Wola Ranizowska, and Wydrze. These images are in addition to the text-based spreadsheets we have had for several years for Ranischau and Steinau. It might be worthwhile looking in the typed out listings before looking in these images. For the years 1849-1864, the Births, Marriages, and Deaths are grouped so they have been put into a directory called BMD. For some other years, the Steinau district was recorded separately from the Ranischau main records. These are noted as (S) or (R) where appropriate.
The Family History Library has digitized Film 905271 Item 2 and images of the following records are available for viewing at Family History Centers:
Taufen, Heiraten, Tote 1838-1859.
As of December 2024, many of 1,526 records from 1849 to 1918 are available at the Polish Genealogical Society (PTK) at  See the instructions under Neu Gawlów below.

Reichsheim 1849-1918

Similarly, if your research has led you to the Lutheran parish of Reichsheim or Hohenbach, its records include Czermin, Dabrowka, Goleszow, Gorki, Lysakow, Lysakowek, Mielec, Padew, Rzedzianowice, Trzciana, Tuszow-Kol, Wojslaw, and others.. Reichsheim is listed as the parish center by both the Polish Archives and the Family History Library, though another source refers to the Hohenbach parish. Both villages were prominent in the area, and some of the records that have been photographed also make reference to the village of Padew.
The earlier records (1849-1863) are birth, deaths, and marriages (BDM below) grouped by year in the same volume, often separating Reichsheim from Hohenbach. Later volumes covered births, marriages, and deaths separately, but once again with the Reichsheim listed first and Hohenbach at the end. When researching in these records, it would be best to look at both sets, just to be sure nothing is missed. The predominantly Reichsheim records are flagged with an "R"; Hohenbach with an "H", and Padew with a "P". The type of record is also noted, as well at the year(s) covered by the records. There is a transcript of some of these records on our Reichsheim web page. There is also a handwritten index of births from 1846-1918 on that page.
The Family History Library has digitized Film 905271 Item 1 and images of the following records are available for viewing at Family History Centers:
Taufen, Trauungen, Tote 1838-1858

Now available on the online Polish archives from Prezemysl are the Hohenbach marriages, 1919-1938 (177 images) at

Neu Gawlów 1859-1918

Neu-Gawlów is shown on the military survey map as the northern enclave of the town, with the primary portion shown as Stary Gawlow. The Gemeindelexikon shows only three German inhabitants out of 592 for the combined Gawlów Nowy - Gawlow Stary area. If you look at the map of settlements in Galicia drawn by Rudolf Unterschütz, you'll see the nearby towns of Bratucice, Bogucice, Fürstenau, Klaj, Krzeczow, Majkowice, Niepolomice, Trynitatis, Vogtsdorf, and the city of Bochnia (159 Germans out of 10071). Given the positions of the various villages, they were likely to all have belonged to the Neu-Gawlów parish.
The Family History Library has digitized Film 100295684, Birth, Marriage, Death, 1838-1850, viewable from home.  AGAD also has these in group 427 Sygn 9.  AGAD has also released the records from 1919 to 1938.  They are available in Sygn 175 and 176. 1921 to 1938 conversions are available on AGAD. as Sygn 90.  GGD is no longer (Dec 2024) hosting the missing parish records since they are available at the Polish Genealogical Society (PTK) at

This is a Polish website, so I recommend you use the Chrome or Edge browser for instant translation.  The English flag at the top of the screen does not always work the way you expect.  To get started, in the right column, click on the year you are interested in. Then click on the UMZ (=BMD) year that you are interested in.  This brings up a list of numbered files in the left column. Click on a number to view the scan.   There are 7 boxes at the left.  The top three are: Home; Back to file list; Download the image.  The 4 long boxes are Zoom in, Zoom out, Next scan, Previous scan.  If you get lost, you can start over by going to the home  page, typing in Gawlow into the Szukaj (=Search) window.

How to use the GGD Images

The records below are be available for members only access and additionally we remind members that this information is supplied for private personal use only. Any other use could cause this project to end. This page is updated as we receive new information.

The links below are to raw directory listings.  You will see a list of file names starting with something like P77170209.  This first part is just the picture number given by the camera.  Following some entries is a statement of what is in that file.  A typical series goes like:


In this case, P7150081 (or 081 for short) is the first page of the 1854 births while 084 is the last page of 1854 births. 085 is the first page of 1855 births. In some cases, especially in the German listings, there is an alphabetical list of all the events for that year, labelled with a suffix of "_alpha", "index", or "grooms" in the case of some marriage records. Many files have been renumbered to remove the camera number and instead supply a sequential number.  These look like "B1025.jpg" where the B signifies Births and the 1025 is just a sequential number that ensures the files are listed with the oldest at the top.

For more information, please contact Dave Gorz at 

To view the records below, GGD paid members will need a generic password,

not the personalized one you use to login to Members Only.  Please click here for instructions

Stadlo Parish- Birth Records 1850 to 1918
Stadlo Parish- Marriage Records 1849-1918
Stadlo Parish- Death Records 1841 to 1918
Stadlo Parish - Index of BMD records 1919-1938

Neu Sandez Parish - Birth Records 1849 to 1918
Neu Sandez Parish - Marriage Records 1849 to 1935
Neu Sandez Parish - Death Records 1849 to 1937

Königsberg Parish - Birth Records 1849 to 1918
Königsberg Parish - Marriage Records 1849 to 1918
Königsberg Parish - Death Records 1849 to 1918

Ranischau Parish - Birth/Marriage/Death Records (BMD) 1849 to 1867
Ranischau Parish - Birth Records 1868 to 1918
Ranischau Parish - Marriage Records 1862 to 1918
Ranischau Parish - Death Records 1868 to 1918

Reichsheim Parish - Birth/Marriage/Death Records (BMD) 1849 to 1863
Reichsheim Parish - Birth Records 1862 to 1918
Reichsheim Parish - Marriage Records 1862 to 1918
Reichsheim Parish - Death Records 1862 to 1918

Lutheran and Reformed church records for parishes in the eastern end of Galicia, which is now part of Ukraine, are found in the Central archive in Warsaw and were photographed by the Family History Library (FHL). They have been available on microfilm for a number of years and the Polish State Archives has recently made those images available on-line. In addition to the bulk of the Lutheran and Reformed records, Roman Catholic records of interest to GGD members are also often available on-line. Check the AGAD web site. Lutheran church records for parishes in the western end of Galicia, now part of southern Poland, are found primarily in the regional archives. The parishes of Biala, Stadlo, Neu Sandez, Neu Gawlow, Königsberg, Hohenbach/Reichsheim, and Ranischau have a limited group of records in the Central archive in Warsaw, and those were photographed by the FHL. Those records typically cover the years 1838 to 1850 with some 1919 to 1939 records also being available. But records from the mid-to-late 1800’s and early 1900’s are found in Krakow and have not been photographed by the FHL. This lack of records is reflected in the Ortsfamilienbücher for villages in western Galicia, which often end at 1870. Thus GGD decided to undertake a project to photograph member requested records in the Krakow archive and make those records available to the membership. A copy of the images has been sent to Manfred Daum for eventual transcription into the database for the OFB’s (Village Family Books).